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The Changing Role of Social Media in Sales, Marketing, and Customer Service

The Changing Role of Social  Media in Sales, Marketing, and  Customer Service

An interesting share on the topic of change in Sales, Marketing and Customer Service, a great insight of Ziff Davis. Enjoy the new outlook for your business. What is the first place potential customers go when they first hear about a new product? Google?  Facebook? They see what’s being said about the product and company, if any of their “friends” (in the loosest social media sense) know about it (or, more to the point, “like” it), and find reviews in various online media outlets. Depending on the product or service, they might even take to  Amazon or Angie’s List to see what other people think. They might even visit the company’s website. They don’t go visit a brick and mortar store. 

They don’t wait for a telemarketer to call them with an offer they can’t refuse. They fast-forwarded through the commercial about it on their DVRs. They flipped past the full-page ad about it as they perused a magazine on their iPads. The email blast about it went into their spam folders.

If you are a marketing professional who wants to reach your buyers directly, you will likely encounter resistance from corporate communications people. They’ll say the old rules are still in play…They’ll say you need to talk only about your products. They’ll say that the media is the only way to tell your story and that you can use press releases only to reach journalists, not your buyers directly. They’ll say that bloggers are geeks in pajamas who don’t matter. They are wrong.

Bottom line? Social media has changed everything for consumers and even for businesses making purchasing and contracting decisions. The “sales pitch” has been replaced by “customer engagement” and a shout out from @JimmyFallon or @Oprah accomplishes far more in an evening than a direct sales team could in a month (or 6). For businesses, social media falls somewhere between art and voodoo. Those that do it  well reap significant benefits at lower costs than could ever be expected with traditional approaches. Those that do it poorly see their competitive advantage slipping away because they just don’t get it. They haven’t moved on with the rest of the billion people on Facebook.

Why Social CRM is Important to Business

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