A Blueprint for your Web Shop

A blueprint for successful design, implementation and operation of your web shop. In today's world it is apparent that people like to spend less time on commuting or prefer being at home.

Or do other activities that one believes in ~ independently from an employer ~ to explore creativity and innovation. To provide a quick start for your shop we provide a solution and blueprint that gives insight for, what is needed to have and be a professional shop on the net.

Key is that many people today want to arrange their life in such a manner that not too much time is wasted on going to a specific job in a specific place, people need an outlet for their talents, or combine for instance motherhood with sense of self being. There are many reasons one can think of, but it is rather simple to want to achieve independence and a goal to make income and live a good life in balance between work en private life.

Atol Solutions supports with its solutions that this can be made feasible with low entrance costs and hopes create a renaissance in new dimensions for many people and contribute to the concept of less drain on the environment, yet also finds in recent movements that especially women are very creative in applying this knowledge.

For instance ms. Tenison, who was named Veuve Clicquot Business Woman of the Year 2010, said: "Women are natural fixers and cultivators and it is these exact elements that need to be employed in their approach to business.

"This has certainly been my approach to JoJo Maman Bebe, by treating my business as a child. I gave birth to it, developed and invested in it for the long term – something that I believe is a key differentiator for female entrepreneurs today."

Starting a Shop  



Starting your shop is naturally based on a vision and concept that one feels will be beneficial and is worthwhile investing your soul and passion in, as it is naturally lots of work ~ worth the effort and rewards.

You need to be very clear as to what you want to sell, building your relationships with (potential) suppliers and securing ways to deliver what you sell in a system of respect and honor, that clients expect from the reputation that you built.

Of course there are always regulations that must be adhered to and legal requirements for your protection and your clients. These guidelines and terms need to be in available in your website and we always apply our standards for this on the site (privacy, terms, linking) that you can tune to your liking and legal advice, see our terms below.
However once you have a clear vision as to the what's of your business, the next step can become complicated if you are not advised properly or search and stumble upon a potential solution, as you do need some technology and platform to run your business on in a reliable manner with all the safeguards that information is kept private and secure, including transactions and payments.