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Bahasi Orphanage needs your support & compassion


We have setup a campaign to get support & compassion for the BAHASI orphanage.

As it is closing in on Christmas and the holidays a perfect time to do our bit to help them and give them something to smile about in these dire times.

Please, please help - every little bit counts - so follow the link and give what you can miss! Your help is truly appreciated!!

Do Donate and view the good cause!

  4294 Hits

Help the TREEZ project and the environment in Malawi


We are supporters of the TREEZ project in Malawi to help them and Malawi to become a greener place again!!

We strive to protect and preserve one day at a time

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better, it is not.

Dr Seuss - The Lorax

Due to the increase in population and the need for woodfuel for cooking and heating, Malawi has lost 85% of its trees in the last 20 years, and as the graph shows: at current rates of population growth and deforestation, by 2025 the country will no longer have enough biomass to sustain the population. 

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  2499 Hits