Atol Solutions
Carpe Diem...
We will serve you well!

Responsive Website Design & Development | Content & Website Maintenance | SEO | Security
We are a professional & reliable "One Stop Shop" for over 15 years, serving multiple continents
Let's Make the Days Count, through the Seasons of the web

Atol Solutions
Winter for Reflection

Reflect on what has been achieved and what needs attention. Determine your new requirements and wishes and keep the things that work well. Go beyond and back to find the balance of your creativity and innovation.

Spring for Plowing the Field

and to be creative with your requirements and needs, seeding the field to be harvested.

Summer to Grow and Mature

and make all your designs solid in development, nourish and be in the sun.

Fall to Harvest & Celebrate...

and migrate your project and communicate to the world...Store your items, clear the fields and celebrate your accomplishments.

Saw of Maintenance
We All Shine on...

like the Moon and the Stars and the Sun...and make the Days Count Together!

Saw of Maintenance

Seasons of Innovation

We use for all our tasks at hand a Lean approach. At its core, Lean is a business methodology that promotes the flow of value to the customer through two guiding tenets: continuous improvement and respect for people.  “Lean is both a philosophy and a discipline which, at its core, increases access to information to ensure responsible decision making in the service of creating customer value.” We have embedded architectural best practices and principles in all our work.

With this is mind we develop websites or business systems in an iterative manner with our clients. We have customers worldwide and in the past years developed many websites without direct contact, but use apps, email, telephone to communicate. No travel is needed and through the focus on the tasks at hand we deliver the desired end result.

Naturally after discovery we design an initial prototype on our servers to discuss and refine with our customers. When customer is satisfied with the prototype we finalize our proposal and conditions, and harden the prototype, and develop the agreed upon functions and look-and-feel. 

  • Winter / Discovery

    For Reflection of what has been achieved and what needs attention. Determine your new requirements and wishes and keep the things that work well.

  • Spring / Design

    For Plowing the Field and to be Creative with your Requirements and Needs, seeding the field to be harvested.

  • Summer / Develop

    To Grow and Mature and make all your designs solid in development, nourish and be in the sun. Work hard and enjoy to make the crops healthy and delicious.

  • Fall / Deploy

    To Harvest and Migrate your Project and Communicate to the World...Store your items, clear the fields and Celebrate your Accomplishments.

  • Create & Innovate

    Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year. He is rich who owns the day, and no one owns the day who allows it to be invaded with fret and anxiety.

  • Sharpen your Saw

    Sharpen the Saw means preserving and enhancing the asset you now have--you and a balanced program for your web presence.