On Demand Safety (ODS) of Knoxville, Tennessee, owned by Cindy Maxfeldt has worked with Atol Solutions to design and develop a new professional image in the market. We are delighted with the results of bringing a Safety site to the Web together in great enthusiasm and passion for the Safety of All.
News from Atol Solutions
Thank you for making the right decision to start blogging in your Joomla! website.
Your Image, Inc has launched the new website on 5.7.2013, a wonderful platform to share Experience and Knowledge about Skin Care Services and Products, as well as to buy products, share Your Image Video Tutorials and many other features.
Thank you Your Image Inc. for this great experience and look forward to our further collaborations.
Got introduced to Kingsley Dennis via Nicolya Christi for some help with Wordpress webmastering for the Worldshift International organization, an autonomous worldshift initiative that seeks to promote, support, and engage with the concept of a world shift within our current global systems, as well as an inner-world shift at a personal level, and an evolutionary shift in human consciousness. After some time we also started to manage some minor works on the Wordpress site for Kingsley Dennis.
I personally have seen many of his videos and presentations, read some of his books. His ideas, concepts and actions resonate close to me. Most definitely I would recommend his works highly and hope let yourself be informed in a eloquent and clear manner. Most definitely his new book is on my must read list.
Has been designing and developing the new web presence for Berry Vincenta, who provides cosmic messages to all who want to hear and read. Berry Vincenta is also a gifted paintress in many forms and a writer as well. We are proud and happy to have been working with her and Jenny Ketelaar to get the presentation and content in place as desired. We hope that Berry reaches the many souls in our world. For now the site is only in Dutch, pending translations by volunteers.