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We welcome TNG Centre - The Precious Sanctuary of the Supreme Path


We are very proud to restructure, design and develop new websites with TNG Centre in Fourtou France, a Buddhist Centre with dedicated residents.

We thank Rosemarie Lemmens for connecting us with the Centre. We worked & trained people at location in France for a concentrated period to set up the framework, understanding and approach to re-invent the current websites. The project commenced in August 2021 and is about to complete the end of November 2021.

It is a pleasure working with Lama Gelong Sangyay Tendzin and content manager Ani Samyang and look forward to our continued cooperation, as their webmaster and designer. Proud of our accomplishments in such a short time.

Do take a look at the site(s)


Lama Sangyay Tendzin spent four decades receiving, practicing and transmitting the precious teachings of the Karma Kamtshang Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism.

After completing a decade of practice in retreat, Lama conducted several projects of assistance to the Poor and Needy in Kham-Nangchen, QingHai province, Eastern Tibet. He is the founder and resident Lama at Theg-Chog Norbu Ling, a Karma Kamtshang Dharma Centre in Southern France.

His personal approach to the transmission of the Buddha Dharma is most traditional, yet fully integrating the western mind of which, he shows to have an insightful understanding.


Baseline of TNG Centre Sites

The project with TNG started with an evaluation of the status of their sites. There were over 13 sites for all the information and organization of TNG. Based on this Atol Solutions was hired by the Centre. Initially we focussed on security and upgrades of the site from a software perspective and reduce storage and bandwidth requirements (using 170GB). We reduced storage requirements in the first phase by 80% and optimized bandwidth due to optimized images and load times of Joomla.

It had been suggested to consolidate sites into a few to reduce software maintenance of so many sites. And to add new functionality to manage events and payments, donations, services and more. Also to be able to sell publications online as well as Dharma products.

We have achieved these goals todate. We have migrated many pages and menu items and functionality and have now 4 sites for the TNG Centre needs. There are other sites that are autonomous, such as Switzerland, Malasia and Bio Project Lutivia.

As a result of this enormous task we further reduced storage with more content to about 1.5GB for all 4 sites.

We are now in process to add more products and details to the site(s).


Overview Website Functionality

  1. Donations
  2. Event Management with payment for physical events and Zoom like events
  3. Shop Management/Ecommerce for Dharma and Publication on 2 sites with digital and physical products, shipment method and costs etc.
  4. image and Video Galleries for all kind of purposes
  5. Banners
  6. Static pages maintenance
  7. Publish articles on various topics with moderation of comments
  8. Social Media shares and follow
  9. Multi lingual (English/French) not automatics
  10. Spam protection, Firewall, Backup, Privacy/Cookie consent, Links to 3rd parties and Sitemap, Google Analytics and Google Reviews
  11. Ability to change look-and-feel for each site.

Client can and does maintain content as needed.

The 4 Sites

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