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10 tips to make your BLOG best in show

10 tips to make your BLOG best in show
To share some insights on Blogging on your site. A good overview of tips and hints by, which are quite useful in their application and success in reaching your goals. Enjoy!

1. Focus

Make it a point to be a master of one area rather than trying to be a jack-of-all-trades. Center this around your industry, the needs of your community and your core areas of expertise. Create a content calendar to ensure regularly updated posts on this focus.

2. Embed Visuals

Images, videos and interactive elements are a strength of blogging as a social media platform. They provide a focal point to grab the attention of readers, as well as unique opportunities to tell the story of your post in a more entertaining or interactive way. Over time, track which visuals your audience is most responsive to.

3. Aggregate News & Insights

Your input, insights and point of view are great. But, sharing provides another layer of value to readers while also collaborating with your community at large. Other bloggers will be more likely to read and comment on your blog once you’ve opened the door to the relationship on theirs.

4. Provide a Call to Action

Blogs posts are a great place to present ideas and information then lead readers to more resources. Think about what assets you can share or additional resources you can point readers to in posts. Make this a hyperlinked image, link at the end or a footer.

5. Link

Link to other blogs. Link to other websites. And link to profiles of people in social media. Not only does this build a sense of
community in your industry, but it makes it more likely that some of these outlets will link back to you at some point.

6. Welcome Guest Posts

You may be a leader in your industry, but everyone knows hearing from more than one source can help establish credibility and trust.
Not to mention it diversifies your content to allow for new and different perspectives and personalities.

7. Ask for Feedback

Ask a question at the end your post. Invite readers to submit ideas for future posts. Embed a poll. If you want readers to be more engaged and invested in your blog, make sure you are actively asking and seeking out feedback.

8. Comment Yourself

This goes for commenting back to comments and feedback received on your blog. But, sometimes even more importantly, it means commenting on other blogs in your industry or space.

9. Include Keywords

Make sure they are in your title, throughout your post and in the tags of your blog. Including a small set of your most important keywords can drastically help you rise in search results and ensure more people are finding your content.

10. Provide Subscription Options

RSS subscriptions are popular for blogs, but a great deal of readers still prefer to receive posts via email. Both options ensure readers can have posts and updates automatically sent to the location of their choice – an RSS readers or email inbox.
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