WE have started the project to migrate all Atol Solutions managed sites to Joomla 5. 

Joomla 1.5, 2.5 and 3.x are no longer supported. Joomla 3.10 finished the Security Support Phase. So time to migrate to Joomla 4 & 5.

Embracing Change:…Why Joomla 5’s Requirement for MySQL 8 is a Leap Forward

an interesting article.

This upgrade is lots of work as software suppliers have either decided to stop Joomla Development or stopped all together. This means sites need, replacemenent of template, convert K2 publishing to native Joomla content, replace K2 modules or alter source and much more.

Together with our Partners in India we started the project and sofar have finished 3 complex sites.

If you have a need for similar migration of your site, contact us.